Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Grey Hunter Pack 2

I'm excited and thrilled my next pack is complete and looking great. I really like the use of red and yellow to help differentiate between the two packs.  

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Grey Hunters

My first Grey Hunters have turned out exactly as planned.  I've still got pauldrons to attach as well as snow to the bases.   Otherwise, minus cleaning and sanding, i completed these five In just a few days.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

SW Grey Hunter Test Model

The Grey hunters are a small and veteran squad, able to bring cc pain and firepower against their foe.  I just love their look.  I kept most of this small squad wearing helmets as the other, nearly identical squad, will have yellow markings and actual faces to paint.  All in all, a great win for me.  Now to finish pauldrons and snow effect.

The model itself took the whole day.  Cross referencing again and again color schemes for each base, layer and highlight took a toll on efficiency.  Now that I have the test model done, much better paint job than Njal, it should be a fairly fast paced time to completion.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Space Wolves Saga Begins

Yahoo! I've always loved the background of Space Wolves in the 40k universe. Now, I get a chance to paint a few.  Looking forward to creating my own saga.